下表列出與Vision Development Module相容之LabVIEW與LabWindows/CVI版本。
表一 Vision Development Module相容之LabVIEW與LabWindows/CVI版本
註: 安裝Vision Development Module時,當出現提示"Installing this program may remove previous software versions that are currently installed."表示目前的安裝若有與Vision Development Module版本不相容之舊版將會被移除。
KnowledgeBase 401AIPIZ: NI Vision Development Module 8.0 Installer Crashes on a Computer That Has LabVIEW 8.20
KnowledgeBase 3YMCCQ0F: NI-IMAQ and NI-IMAQdx Compatibility with Different LabVIEW Versions
Products and Services: NI Vision Development Module
Developer Zone Tutorial: Vision Development Module Image Processing Examples
Vision Development Module Run-Time Engine Installation Walk-Through