在 LabVIEW 中使用藍芽的系統需求

主要軟體版本: 7.1
主要軟體修正版本: 7.1
次要軟體: LabVIEW Development Systems>>LabVIEW Professional Development System


透過 LabVIEW 使用藍芽通訊功能的系統需求為何?

注意:下列敘述適用於 LabVIEW 7.1 或以上的版本,但 Palm OS 規格的裝置例外。Palm OS 僅在 LabVIEW 7.1 與 8.0 兩個版本中有被支援。

 注意:部分不在微軟清單上的裝置也可以使用微軟藍芽驅動程式 (Windows Bluetooth stack)。請參見:KnowledgeBase 4RCA4JV7: How Do I Make a Bluetooth Device Work with LabVIEW?



注意: LabVIEW 的藍芽相關 V I並不支援 Mac OS X 作業系統。


KnowledgeBase 3ANADAKN: LabVIEW PDA Module Requirements and Supported Devices
Developer Zone Tutorial: Developing Bluetooth Applications with LabVIEW
KnowledgeBase 4RCA4JV7: How Do I Make a Bluetooth Device Work with LabVIEW?
KnowledgeBase 32GEGGTP: Does LabVIEW for PDA Support Bluetooth?
KnowledgeBase 335GOOLA: Does LabVIEW Support Bluetooth?
Product Manuals: Getting Started with the LabVIEW Mobile Module
External Link: Availability of Windows XP Service Pack 1 Support for Bluetooth Wireless Devices


報告日期: 09/17/2004
最後更新: 02/03/2013
文件偏號: 3DGAJ9Z6