Change the Color on an Intensity Graph or Chart

Updated Nov 18, 2020



  • LabVIEW Professional

The default interpolated color on an intensity chart/graph is black to blue to white. How can I change this color?

There are two ways to change the color of an intensity chart/graph. You can either accomplish this programmatically using a property node on the block diagram, or you can change the marker colors manually on the front panel.

Property Node Method (Programmatic): 
  1. Place an intensity chart or graph on your front panel.
  2. On the block diagram, right-click on the graph terminal and choose Create»Property Node»Z Scale»Marker Values [ ] to create a property node called ZScale.MarkerVals[] for the chart/graph.
  3. Right-click on the property node and select Change All To Write.
  4. Right-click on the property node input and select Create»Constant.
  5. Resize the array so that there is a column visible for each marker on the front panel. New intensity graphs/charts have three markers by default (0, 50, 100). Adding more markers adds additional color reference points.
  1. In the created array constant, enter the marker number of each marker in the upper box.
  1. Right click on the lower box and choose Replace»Programming»Dialog & User Interface»Color Box Constant. (NOTE: For LabVIEW 7.1 and earlier, right-click on the lower box and choose Replace»All Functions»Numeric»Additional Numeric Constants»Color Box Constant.) 
  2. Click on each color box to change the color of that marker number.

Marker Color Method (Non-programmatic):
  1. Place an intensity chart or graph on your front panel.
  2. Right-click the marker and choose Marker Color to select the color. 
    (NOTE: You must right-click the marker or number; the option is not available through the color ramp itself.)
  1. To add additional color reference points, right-click the color ramp and select Add Marker. You can then change the color of the new marker as described in the previous step.