主要軟體版本: 7.1.1
主要軟體修正版本: 7.1.1
次要軟體: N/A
問題: 我同時有兩個VI在跑,後我需要在第二個VI面板發生Event時觸發第一個VI執行某些程式,要如何做?
解答: 是的,您必需將第二個VI的Control Reference Pass到第一個VI的Register For Events.vi,你可以利用Open VI reference.vi及property node來取得該control reference,請見附件的兩個範例
Generate_Events.vi will allow the user to mouse down or change the values of various controls.
Capture_Events.vi captures the events generated by
Pressing the stop button in
Generate_Events.vi will stop the execution of both VI's. Make sure to start
Generate_Events.vi before you start the
Capture_Events.vi to avoid getting an invalid references error.
附加檔案: - Capture_Events.vi - Generate_Events.vi
報告日期: 04/05/2005
最後更新: 04/13/2005
文件偏號: 3K4CPLXR
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