當程式中有使用到Spectral Measurements Toolkit如何建成Labview的獨立執行檔
主要軟體版本: 7.1
次要軟體: LabVIEW Toolkits>>LabVIEW/CVI Spectral Measurements Toolkit
問題: 請問當程式中有使用到Spectral Measurements Toolkit如何建成Labview的獨立執行檔,其步驟為何?
解答: Spectral Measurements Toolkit 2.0 (and later)用在Labview或CVI中其包含擷取訊號及解調的功能,當要使用Labview中使用調變的功能將之建成獨立執行檔時,請利用Application Builder完成。
若程式中有使用Spectral Measurements Toolkit 2.0,您在Build時必須要加入dynamic VIs. 下面會有說明要加入哪些dynamic VIs。
下面的VI依照您所使用到的硬體加入適當的dynamic VIs,若您有使用NI PXI5660 RF Signal Analyzer請看RFSA的說明檔,若您是使用RFSA或NI-SCOPE可參考下面的步驟:
The user must include the following three subVIs as dynamic VIs in the LabVIEW Application Builder:
MT Configure downconversion Settings (RFSA).vi
...\Your LabVIEW Directory\vi.lib\addons\Modulation\RFSA
mod_Set Receiver(RFSA).vi
...\Your LabVIEW Directory\vi.lib\addons\Modulation\RFSA
niTuner Set Attenuation.vi
...\Your LabVIEW Directory\instr.lib\NITUNER
See the file 'RFSA.jpg' in the Attachments section for a screenshot of the LabVIEW Application Builder demonstrating this.
The user must include the following two subVIs as dynamic VIs in the LabVIEW Application Builder:
MT Configure Downconversion Settings (niScope).vi
...\Your LabVIEW Directory\vi.lib\addons\Modulation\niScope
mod_Set Receiver(niscope).vi
...\Your LabVIEW Directory\vi.lib\addons\Modulation\niScope\support
See the file 'NI-SCOPE.jpg' in the Attachments section for a screenshot of the LabVIEW Application Builder demonstrating this.
報告日期: 07/21/2003
最後更新: 11/03/2004
文件偏號: 2ZKFLMY5