硬件: SCXI>>Modules>>SCXI-1520, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6110, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6115, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6120, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6122, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6123, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6132, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6133, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6143, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6153, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PXI-6115, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PXI-6120, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PXI-6122, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PXI-6123, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PXI-6133, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PXI-6132, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>S Series>>PCI-6154
问题: 我想在并行模式下同步两块SCXI-1520模块,每一块都连接到一个S系列数据采集卡上。我使用的是驱动自带的LabVIEW例程 "
Example Multi-Device Synch-Analog Input-Cont Acquisition.vi " , 并且选择SC1Mod1/ai0和SC1Mod2/ai0作为每个SCXI-1520模块的采集通道。然而,当我运行这个例子时,会得到-89120的错误,并且提示错误发生在DAQmx Start Task.vi上。
错误提示具体内容为: Error -89120 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi
Possible reason(s):
Source terminal to be routed could not be found on the device.
Make sure the terminal name is valid for the specified device. Refer to Measurement & Automation Explorer for valid terminal names.
Property: Start.DigEdge.Src
Property: Start.DigEdge.Edge
Source Device: SC1Mod1
Source Terminal: ai/sampleclock
解答: 错误的原因是这个例程使用了"Get Terminal with Device Prefix.vi",它用来创建一个通道资源名到本地的ai/sampleclock 或ai/trigger。它主要剥离通道信息并且用指向本地硬件的一个特殊通道来代替;然而,ai/sampleclock对于SC1Mod1是无效的,这是因为它仅对DAQ(在这里是S系列卡)有效。因此您需要在代码中指定DAQ设备名连接到主SCXI-1520模块,该模块应该启动所有其它同步通道。
报告日期: 06/18/2006
最近更新: 06/19/2006
文档编号: 3P7AKJTJ
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