
主要软件版本: 2.6
主要软件修正版本: 2.7
次要软件: Driver Software>>NI-DAQmx
硬件: Modular Instruments>>High-Speed Digitizers (Scopes)

问题: 我安装了NI-SCOPE 2.5 or 2.6然后升级了NI-DAQmx 至版本 8.5。当我初始化一块scope卡时,出现了下面的错误:“niPAL error -50204 occurred: The specified file could not be opened. The operation could not be completed as specified.” 为什么会出现这个错误,我可以如何避免?

解答: NI-SCOPE 2.5 and 2.6与NI-DAQmx 8.5 and 8.6不兼容。安装一个新版本的NI-SCOPE(版本7以后)或者一个新版本的NI-DAQmx(8.7以后版本)都可以解决这个问题。您可以从下面的相关链接中下载最新驱动。

相关链接: Drivers and Updates: High-Speed Digitizers
Drivers and Updates: Data Acquistion (NI-DAQmx)
Developer Zone Tutorial: High-Speed Digitizer (Scope) Driver Support


报告日期: 06/03/2008
最近更新: 12/31/2010
文档编号: 4M2HHRLY