硬體: Multifunction DAQ (MIO)
問題: 我在LabVIEW中設定類比輸入訊號的限制,但類比輸入訊號的箝制電壓和我在LabVIEW中設定的不同?
解答: 訊號箝制會不同於LabVIEW中所設定的電壓,是因為增益參數設定的問題。在"AI Config VI"中"input limits"輸入端是用來設定資料擷取卡上的增益範圍,而且只有一些固定的選項。如下表所示。如果所選擇的輸入極限跟下表中的"Actual Input Range"不同時,擷取卡會自動選擇下一個增益參數,例如,設定輸入極限是0V(下限)到3V(上限),則擷取卡會選擇2.0的增益參數,其上下限為0V到5V。因此,訊號會被箝制在5V,而不是3V。
Input Ranges for NI 602XE, NI 604XE, NI 6052E, NI 606XE, and NI 607XERange Configuration | Gain | Actual Input Range |
0 to +10 V
| 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 100.0 | 0 to +10 V 0 to +5 V 0 to +2 V 0 to +1 V 0 to +500 mV 0 to +200 mV 0 to +100 mV |
-5 to +5V
| 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 100.0 | -10 to +10 V -5 to +5 V -2.5 to +2.5 V -1 to +1 V -500 to +500 mV -250 to +250 mV -100 to +100 mV -50 to +50 mV |
Input Ranges for NI 601XE and NI 603XERange Configuration | Gain | Actual Input Range |
0 to +10 V
| 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 100.0 | 0 to +10 V 0 to +5 V 0 to +2 V 0 to +1 V 0 to +500 mV 0 to +200 mV 0 to +100 mV |
-5 to +5V
| 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 100.0 | -10 to +10 V -5 to +5 V -2.5 to +2.5 V -1 to +1 V -500 to +500 mV -250 to +250 mV -100 to +100 mV |
相關連結: Knowledgebase 1ABBOQVK: How Do I Set the Gain for My Analog Input Channels in LabVIEW?
報告日期: 01/22/2004
最後更新: 02/03/2004
文件偏號: 35LF720M
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