is currently experiencing slowness.

Support teams are actively working on the resolution.


硬體: Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>Portable>>USB-6008, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>Portable>>USB-6009

問題: 為什麼我的USB-6008/6009上的綠色LED燈會不斷閃爍?

解答: USB-6008/6009上閃爍的綠色LED燈表示這個裝置連接到一個USB埠並且利用此裝置取得電力。這並不是表示這個儀器有任何故障發生。如果您懷疑此現象是表示故障,請至使用手冊或參考以下說明連結。

USB-6008/6009 User Guide and Specifications
KnowledgeBase 3OAAMEXJ: Power Supply Electrical Protection on the USB 6008/6009
KnowledgeBase 3NE7GJMY: Why can't I see my USB 6008/6009 under "DAQmx Devices" in MAX after installing NI-DAQ 7.5?
KnowledgeBase 3N7EFNB9: USB-6008/6009 shows up in Device Manager with yellow exclamation point
KnowledgeBase 3LUM2RNK: Analog Input of 6008/9 Reads 1.4V in RSE Mode when no Signal is Connected


報告日期: 10/05/2005
最後更新: 10/12/2005
文件偏號: 3Q4G3K88