NI Developer Zone Example: M Series Correlated Digital Input with Counter Clock Generation in ANSI C
NI Developer Zone Example: M Series Hardware-Timed DIO with Counter Clock Generation
NI Developer Zone Example: M Series: Correlated Digital Output with Analog Output Sample Clock
NI Developer Zone Example: M Series Correlated Digital Input with Analog Input Sample Clock in ANSI C
NI Developer Zone Example: Performing Correlated Digital IO with an M Series Device in LabVIEW
- 创建一个定时器任务来产生一个数字脉冲,其频率为时钟产生器分频后的值。
- 指定定时器输出为<NI-DAQmx Device Name>/freqout.
- 创建一个数字输入输出任务,将其采样时钟设置<NI-DAQmx Device Name>/FrequencyOutput.
- 开始数字输入或者输出任务。
- 当准备进行数字采集和产生的时候开始频率输出任务。
NI Developer Zone Example: Programming the FREQ_OUT Pin with NI-DAQmx for M Series
Product Manuals: M Series User Manual
KnowledgeBase 4CM6E5T3: Can I Use Different Sample Clocks for Correlated DI and DO?
NI Developer Zone Example: M Series Correlated Digital Input with Counter Clock Generation in ANSI C
NI Developer Zone Example: M Series Hardware-Timed DIO with Counter Clock Generation
NI Developer Zone Example: M Series: Correlated Digital Output with Analog Output Sample Clock
NI Developer Zone Example: M Series Correlated Digital Input with Analog Input Sample Clock in ANSI C
NI Developer Zone Example: Performing Correlated Digital IO with an M Series Device in LabVIEW
NI Developer Zone Tutorial: Generating a Pulse Train with a Counter
NI Developer Zone Tutorial: Period Measurement with a Counter
NI Developer Zone Example: NI-DAQmx: Frequency Measurements Using Counters
NI Developer Zone Example: NI-DAQmx: Continuously Measure Counter Frequency (Buffered-Large Range)
NI Developer Zone Example: Measure High Frequency 2 Counter Method
KnowledgeBase 4CM6E5T3: Can I Use Different Sample Clocks for Correlated DI and DO?
NI Developer Zone Tutorial: Digital Change Detection in NI-DAQmx
NI Developer Zone Example Program: NI-DAQmx Events: M Series Change Detection