主要软件: LabVIEW Development Systems>>LabVIEW Base Development System
主要软件版本: 1.0
主要软件修正版本: N/A
次要软件: N/A
问题: 只有完整版和专业版LabVIEW兼容所有附件模块。如果不兼容就会出现类似以下错误:

解答: 以下是常用的NI模块以及工具包,但是与LabVIEW基础版不兼容:
- LabVIEW System Identification Toolkit
- LabVIEW Real-Time Module
- LabVIEW Robotics Module
- LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit
- LabVIEW MathScript RT Module
- LabVIEW Jitter Analysis Toolkit
- LabVIEW FPGA Module
- LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit
- LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module
- LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit
- LabVIEW Adaptive Filter Toolkit
- LabVIEW Model Interface Toolkit
- LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit
- LabVIEW Multicore Analysis and Sparse Matrix Toolkit
- LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit
- LabVIEW GPU Analysis Toolkit
- LabVIEW Electrical Power Suite
- LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Analysis VIs
相关链接: Products and Services: Buy NI LabVIEW
报告日期: 11/20/2013
最近更新: 12/30/2015
文档编号: 6FJ7KRKQ
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