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How to resize a group of controls

Hi, I am a novice at Labwindows. when I try to resize a group of square command buttons, I can't find a way to make them same size.

Do Labwindows has an function to resize a group of controls same height, same width or max height, max wdith, min height, min width? just like Labview does.



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Message 1 of 5



as far as I know in the UI editor you will have to select the controls individually and press Shift+F10 on each to set size and position. In the source code, you can loop through your controls, which is simplified using control arrays, introduced with CVI 2010, see here

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Message 2 of 5

Just a minor correction: in the UI editor, you don't have to select them individually. You can group-select them, then press <Shift-F10> (Arrange>>Control Coordinates) and then use the "All" buttons in the control coordinates dialog to set the sizes for all controls.



Message 3 of 5

Hi Luis,


Thanks for teaching me... I knew that it is possible to select several controls. But when I pressed <Shift-F10>, changed the width, pressed OK, only the first control was affected. I never realized and tried the "All" button, until now Smiley Happy



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Message 4 of 5

I admit that it's not the most obvious UI in the world. Smiley Happy

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