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IMAQ 'ChunkSelector' error 0xBFF69012 in MAX

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I have a Point Grey Blackfly GigE camera that I am trying to access via NI MAX and then LabVIEW.


The camera itself seems to be working okay - I can get an image stream in Point Grey's native software. When I try to run it in MAX however, I get the error shown in the image below. 


I am not familiar with this particular error, so I'm not sure which settings I need to play with to get the value in range.


Has anyone else seen this error before?



Point_grey_chunk.pngIMAW C

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Message 1 of 5

Hi there,


I found a couple resources you can follow to troubleshoot this problem:


1. Troubleshooting GigE Vision Cameras
2. How Do I Resolve "Error: 0xBFF69012 Attribute value is out of range” When Connecting to a GigE Camer...
3. Why do I get Error 0xBFF69012 "Attribute Value is Out of Range" with my Basler GigE Camera?


I could not find any other case related but hopefully this information will help you clear the error.



Alejandro C. | National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Typically you can just go to that attribute in the tree and fiddle with it to make it be a valid value. Then you can save those settings so it is loaded the next time you use the camera. Likely you could also do a firmware update on the camera as many of these types of issues have been resolved in newer Point Grey firmwares.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author caleyjag

I know this is almost a year old as I answer this but I thought I would add a definitive answer to this question for anyone who may need it in the future.  I just started working with a Point Grey Blackfly camera and found this error as soon as I ran it in both NI-Max and using the IMAQ-dx drivers.  Point Grey does not have a newer version of firmware to fix this so it needs to be done in NI-Max as another poster thought.  The fix for this is is to open the camera in NI-MAX, go to the "Camera Attributes", got to "Chunk Data Control" and select any of the attributes.  I chose Image Timestamp but any should work.  The field is not populated by default which is likely why the error gets thrown.  Once it is changed, the "Save" icon will become selectable and your must save in order for the change to be complete.  The image below should help you find where to make the changes,





Blackfly Error.jpg


Message 4 of 5

Excellent follow up!


I had actually abandoned my Point Grey camera but maybe now I can dust it off and put it to work!



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Message 5 of 5