哪種CCD可以使用IMAQ-A8014 Cable?

硬體: Image Acquisition (IMAQ)>>Analog Image Devices>>PCI-1409

我有JAI CV-A1及JAI CV-M50 progressive scan CCD,我買了IMAQ-A8014 cable連結到JAI CV-A1到我的PCI-1409卡,我想在JAI CV-M50 camera做相同的事,我也發現它們的pin腳相似,我可以這樣做嗎?

NI提供cable連結特定的CCD及NI-1409卡片,IMAQ-A8014 - 1409 to Sony XC-ES/ST/HR series and JAI A-series cameras
  • IMAQ-A8055 - 1409 to Sony XC-55雖然Pin腳類似,但會依照Camera的某些模式所設計,因此有些線接法不同,用不對的cable可能會造成對卡片硬體的損害,若對CCD的設定有問題,可以參照下面的連結

  • 相關連結:
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Interfacing the JAI CV-A1 With the IMAQ 1409
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Using the JAI CV-A1 Camera in Asynchronous Reset Mode With the IMAQ 1409
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Interfacing the JAI CV-M1 Camera with IMAQ 1409
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Using the JAI CV-M1 Camera in Asynchronous Reset Mode with the IMAQ 1409
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Using the JAI CV-M10 Camera in Asynchronous Reset Mode with the IMAQ 1409
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Using the JAI CV-A11 Camera in Asynchronous Reset Mode with the IMAQ 1409
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Using the SONY XC-55 Camera in Asynchronous Reset Mode with the IMAQ 1409
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Using the Sony XC-HR50 Camera in Asynchronous Reset Mode With the IMAQ 1409


    報告日期: 10/21/2003
    最後更新: 12/19/2007
    文件偏號: 32KCPCMU