Archived:VXI-11 and NI-VISA Support

Updated Nov 2, 2023

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What is VXI-11, and does NI-VISA support it?


VXI-11 is a TCP/IP instrument protocol specification. This specification is part of the VXIbus set of specifications and defines a network instrument protocol to be used for controller - device communication over a TCP/IP network. The protocol is authored by the VXIbus Consortium, Inc. 

The VXI-11 protocol is fully supported by NI-VISA version 2.6 (or later) on Windows, Solaris, and Linux operating systems.

If you have an older version of NI-VISA, you can upgrade to the latest version of NI-VISA from the web link below. 

For more information on the VXI-11 specification, please refer to the VXIbus Consortium.