Correct Location on Disk to Store a .icd Camera File to Use with NI-IMAQ

Updated Nov 27, 2023

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Issue Details

I recently downloaded a camera file from NI's website or generated one from the Camera File Generator. Where do I need to place the *.icd file so I can configure my camera and my IMAQ hardware in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)?


Once you download or generate the appropriate camera file for your camera, the location of the *.icd file will depend on which version of Vision Acquisition Software you have installed:
  • Vision Acquisition Software 8.2.3 and later:
    • If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10, place the *.icd file in 
<Users>\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ\Data
  • If you are using Windows XP, place the *.icd file in 

<Documents and Settings>\All Users\Shared Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ\Data

  • Vision Acquisition Software 8.2.3 and Earlier place the *.icd  file in:
<National Instruments>\NI-IMAQ\Data

Once the file is placed in the correct directory, launch MAX and select your IMAQ device from the Devices and Interfaces»NI-IMAQ Devices list in the Configuration tree. With your IMAQ device highlighted, right-click the appropriate channel and select Camera from the context menu. Select the appropriate camera file from the list.

Additional Information

After your camera file is loaded, refer to Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-IMAQ (from the Help drop down menu in MAX, select Help Topics»NI-Vision»NI-IMAQ) for more information on configuring your particular type of camera with your specific IMAQ hardware.

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