我如何手動重設GPIB-ENET/100的IP Address?

硬體: GPIB>>External Controllers/Convertors>>GPIB-ENET/100

問題: 我已變更並設定GPIB-ENET/100設定選項,並且已能在我的網域中使用GPIB-ENET/100. 因為某些因素,GPIB-ENET/100無法在我的網域中被找到.在此情況下,我如何才能手動重設GPIB-ENET/100?

解答: 若要將GPIB-ENET/100重新設為原始設定,如機板標籤所示,請重新開啟電源同時按住CFG RESET開關三秒鐘.CFG RESET開關位於GPIB-ENET/100的背面處.

相關連結: Product Manuals: Getting Started with Your GPIB-ENET/100 and NI-488.2 for HP-UX
Product Manuals: Getting Started with Your GPIB-ENET/100 and NI-488.2 for Mac OS
Product Manuals: Getting Started with Your GPIB-ENET/100 and NI-488.2 for Solaris
Product Manuals: Getting Started with Your GPIB-ENET/100 and NI-488.2 for Tru64 Unix
Product Manuals: Getting Started with Your GPIB-ENET/100 and NI-488.2 for Windows 2000/NT
Product Manuals: Getting Started with Your GPIB-ENET/100 and NI-488.2 for Windows Me/98/95


報告日期: 09/06/2001
最後更新: 05/16/2003
文件偏號: 2D58DU6E