DAQmx Wait Until Done需要一个额外的Clock Cycle来完成工作

主要软件版本: 8.0
主要软件修正版本: N/A
次要软件: N/A

使用DAQmx Wait Until Done VI时,我注意到虽然我已经收到指定的sample clock pulse数目,但是程序有時候并不会停止,而且最后会有time out的错误发生,为什么会发生这种错误呢呢?

Figure 1: DAQmx Wait Until Done VI Timeout Error


DAQmx Wait Until Done VI需要一个单次clock pulse来执行。如果执行有限点数的数据采集或输出的工作,并打算使用外部的时钟来搭配DAQmx Wait Until Done VI,除了数据采集或输其点数数目的时钟脉冲以外,还需要一个额外的采样时钟脉冲。

没有这个额外的pulse,那么DAQmx Wait Until Done VI最后就会产生timeout的错误,其对应的错误代码是 -200560 "Wait Until Done did not indicate that the task was done within the specified. Increase the timeout, check the program, and make sure connections for external timming and triggering are in place."

相关链接: KnowledgeBase 2XDGE0A2: What is the Difference Between the DAQmx Wait Until Done VI and DAQmx Is Task Done VI?
Communities: Cancelling Out of the Wait Until Done VI


报告日期: 12/14/2005
最近更新: 03/30/2009
文档编号: 3SDGAORM