使用NI DAQPad-6015/6016/2020E 時產生Error code -200077

硬體: Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>Basic>>DAQPad-6015 for USB, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>Basic>>DAQPad-6016 for USB w/Screw Term, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>E Series>>DAQPad-6024E for USB w/BNC Term

問題: 當我在使用一個USB DAQPad 的時候, 為什麼在用MAX的test panel測試類比輸出的功能的時候會產生錯誤訊息-200077?

解答: 基本上, 您目前DAQ卡的設定是在用DMA模式來做類比輸出的動作. 當在使用USB裝置的時候, 傳輸機制(Transfer Mechanism)必須設定為"Interrupts"模式. 當您進入MAX的Test Panel的時候, 您就可以把Transfer Mechanism從DMA設定為interrupts.

KnowledgeBase [3AACMSZH]: Why am I Getting Error 200077 When Trying to Use a DAQ Assistant VI with LabVIEW 7.1 on my PXI-1010 Chassis?
KnowledgeBase [36FEURKD]: Receiving Error -200077 in a NI-DAQmx Test Panel in Measurement & Automation Explorer
KnowledgeBase [2Y4DAEIP]: Why Do I Get Error -10403 or -200077 When I Enable Reglitching for Analog Output?
KnowledgeBase [3EUG7KBP]: Why Do I Get "Error 200077 Occurred at DAQ Assistant" When Saving a Task in the Measurement and Automation Explorer? Using the text above as a reference, please enter your edited text here


報告日期: 04/13/2005
最後更新: 06/02/2005
文件偏號: 3KCC4EQG