Specify a Process Model for TestStand Sequence File

Updated Jul 30, 2023



  • TestStand

Operating System

  • Windows

This tutorial shows you how to configure TestStand to use a different process model (sequential, batch, or parallel) for specific sequence files. This is helpful if you have several TestStand sequence files and you want to run some of the sequence files using a particular process model and others using a different process model.

For more information about process models, please see TestStand Help: Process Models .

  1. Open the sequence file of interest.
  2. In the TestStand Sequence Editor, navigate to Configure >> Station Options. The Station Options dialog box appears.
  3. Click on the Model tab. Make sure Allow Other Models is enabled. This option must be enabled to use other process models.
  1. Click OK.
  2. In the TestStand Sequence Editor, navigate to Edit >> Sequence File Properties.

The Sequence File Properties dialog box appears.
  1. Click on the Advanced tab.
  1. Select the Type as Normal.
  2. Select the desired Model Option. For more information on the options, refer to TestStand Help: Sequence File Properties Dialog Box .
    • Use Station Model is the default option. When this option is enabled, TestStand uses the process model sequence file specified in the Station Options dialog box.
    • No Model specifies that the sequence file does not use a process model.
    • Require Specific Model allows you to choose a process model. When this option is enabled, the Model File needs to be specified. Browse to the specific process model sequence file you would like to use for this specific sequence.
For more information on the types of process models, refer to TestStand Help: TestStand Process Models .
  1. Click OK.