How Do I Locate and Access the Application Manager Through the TestStand Sequence Editor?

Updated May 4, 2023

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  • TestStand

Issue Details

In the TestStand user interfaces, accessing the Application Manager is simple, since it exists as an activeX control. However, I would like to access the application manager properties and methods through a sequence. How can I accomplish this?


The Application Manager (ApplicationMgr) is an ActiveX object that is actually part of the TestStand UI Controls ActiveX server. To access a reference to the application manager object, use the following Expression:


To interact with the application manager object, use an ActiveX Action Step. In the image below, the step is used to access the Executions property. The same procedure can be used to access the other properties and methods of the Application manager Object. Refer to the NI TestStand Help: ApplicationMgr topic for complete documentation on available properties and methods.