How Do I Export DIAdem Data Into Excel?

Updated Sep 23, 2019

Reported In


  • DIAdem

Issue Details

I would like to export DIAdem data into Excel, how can I do this?


There are several options for taking data from DIAdem into Excel. Starting DIAdem 8.1, it allows you to save data directly into Excel file format (*.xls). In the DATA device window, select File»Save As and select Excel format in the Save as Type pulldown menu. This will launch the Excel Export Wizard, where you can customize the data and channel information to be exported. The file that is saved will be in Excel format.

Additional Information

To save as an ASCII file with no formatting, you can change the Desktop Parameters by navigating to the Settings»Desktop Parameters»Device Specific from the DATA device window. Select Block Storage and ASCII as the data type. You can configure the delimiter, the separator, and integer length. When you save your data it will be stored in ASCII. DIAdem will also save a *.DAT file which contains header information for opening the data in DIAdem.

You can also copy and paste a selection of data straight from the DATA device window into any text editor, or spreadsheet application.