How Can I Programmatically Clear PXI Trigger Routes or Reset the Chassis?

Updated Apr 19, 2024



  • LabVIEW Full


Primary Software: LabVIEW Full Development System 4.0
Hardware: PXI/CompactPCI>>Chassis

I have either routed PXI backplane triggers programmatically in LabVIEW or statically in NI MAX. I would like to reset the chassis and clear all routes. How can I do this

Below are instructions for how to clear the trigger routes on your chassis. The steps will depend on whether you originally configured the routes manually in NI MAX or programmatically.
  • Clearing Trigger Routes Configured in NI MAX
    Trigger routes configured manually in NI MAX can only be cleared in NI MAX. They cannot be cleared programmatically, such as through LabVIEW, or by restarting the chassis. To clear these routes, open NI MAX and select your chassis under Device and Interfaces. Navigate to the Triggers tab, and set the Routing attribute for every trigger line back to Dynamic. Select Save.
  • Clearing Trigger Routes Configured Programmatically
    Trigger routes configured programmatically, such as through LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI™, or a .NET API, cannot be cleared through NI MAX. They can be cleared programmatically or by rebooting the chassis.

    To clear the routes programmatically, use the VISA Unmap Trigger function. If you know which trigger lines have been routed, you can use this function to specifically clear those lines. Otherwise, you can use this function in a loop to programmatically unmap every possible configuration. Note that when you do this, you will attempt to unmap routes that do not exist, which will return error -1083807250: The path from trigSrc to trigDest is not currently mapped. You can ignore this error. 
Note: Routes configured manually in NI MAX can only be cleared in NI MAX. They cannot be cleared programmatically, such as through LabVIEW. Likewise, routes configured programmatically cannot be cleared through NI MAX. Trying to do so will result in an error.

Note: Rebooting the chassis will reset all routes configured programmatically, but will not reset routes configured in NI MAX.

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