Install or Include LabVIEW Runtime Engine for LabVIEW Applications

Updated Jun 13, 2024



  • LabVIEW Runtime

When LabVIEW Development System is installed, the LabVIEW Runtime Engine is installed automatically, which is great for developing and testing executables on one machine. However, when you do not want development capabilities after distributing your code, you can install the LabVIEW Runtime Engine on deployment machines. Installing the LabVIEW Run-Time version allows you to run LabVIEW applications without needing the full development version. 

This tutorial shows users how to install the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. There are a few methods to find the LabVIEW RTE for installation: Downloads, NI Package Manager, or using a LabVIEW Installer.

From Downloads

  • LabVIEW Runtime Engine can be downloaded from the NI website on the LabVIEW Runtime Download page.
  • LabVIEW Runtime Engine download is also included as an option on the general LabVIEW Download page.
  1. Once on the LabVIEW download page, select the Runtime option as shown below.
  2. Select the OSBitness, and Version that you need.
  3. Click Download. Runtime will now start to download. 

Note: You can download an offline installer from either of the Download pages above. This is useful if you are trying to move the installation media to a computer that does not have internet access.

From NI Package Manager

  • LabVIEW Runtime can also be downloaded from NI Package Manager. If NI Package Manager is not installed on the computer, then it can be downloaded from here   
  1. Open NI Package Manager and search for LabVIEW Runtime in the search bar. This will bring up the screen shown below. Click on LabVIEW Runtime as highlighted below. 

  1. Select the required Version and Bitness you need then click the Install button. This will start installing LabVIEW Runtime. 


Include the Run-Time Using a LabVIEW Installer

  • With the LabVIEW Professional Development System, use the Application Builder in a LabVIEW project to create an installer file. This is a good option if you are trying to transfer executable code to a new machine. After creating your .exe, follow the steps below to bundle the .exe into an installer which includes the Runtime Engine.
    1. Open your LabVIEW project.
    2. In the project window, right-click Build Specifications and select New >> Installer. Note:The executable had to be created previously.
    3. After bundling an executable in the Source Files category, navigate to the Additional Installers category. In the additional installer list, ensure that the LabVIEW Runtime Engine box is checked.  
      • Note: If you are using other module or drivers in your code, you will also need to ensure the runtime versions of that software is also included.

If the LabVIEW Runtime version you need is older than what is available online or in NI Package Manager, contact NI Support.

Additional Information

If you are using  NI Package Manager make sure that you are using the latest version available.

Once LabVIEW is installed, the Runtime Engine will be located at  C:\<Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Runtime.

The LabVIEW Runtime Engine must be installed on any system where you plan to run executables or shared libraries built with the LabVIEW Application Builder. While it allows you to run applications, it doesn't allow you to develop them. For that, you need to use the LabVIEW Development Environment.

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