Error 50103 於 DAQmx Start Task

主要軟體版本: 3.1
次要軟體: N/A
硬體: Multifunction DAQ (MIO), Legacy DAQ Devices

問題: 我使用DAQmx VIs做資料擷取,當我一執行程式時,出現以下錯誤:
Error 50103 occured at an unidentified location


解答: 當執行完Traditional DAQ的程式,並沒有做重設 Traditional DAQ driver的動作,就執行DAQmx的程式則會產生此錯誤訊息。下列為重設Traditional DAQ driver的步驟:

  1. 進入 Measurement and Automation Explorer

  2. 展開 Devices and Interfaces

  3. 於Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Devices滑鼠按右鍵

  4. 選擇 Reset driver for Traditional NI-DAQ

此動作為釋放先前Traditional DAQ所佔用的資源,讓你可以使用DAQmx driver來做資料擷取。

相關連結: KnowledgeBase [2VHDS879]: Error -50103 with Simultaneous Finite and Continuous Pulse Train Generation on the Same E Series Device
KnowledgeBase [2XQEAPQJ]: Common NI-DAQmx Error Codes and Solutions: Codes -200000 to -200299 and -50103


報告日期: 07/11/2005
最後更新: 04/04/2006
文件偏號: 3NAG4G9N