Error 10 in Windows Device Manager for MXI-Express Connection

Updated Apr 3, 2023

Reported In


  • PXI-8110
  • PXI-1045
  • PCI-8361
  • PCI-8366
  • PXI-8368


  • MXI-Express BIOS Compatibility

Issue Details

When I connect my PXI(e) chassis via MXI-Express to my computer, I can't see the PXI(e) chassis or any of the peripheral modules in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).

In Windows Device Manager for the PCI-to-PCI bridge devices, I see:
Error 10: Device Can't Start
This device cannot start (code 10)

Figure 1. Device Manager Example 1.


Figure 2. Device Manager Example 2.


This error is shown when your device is in native PCIe mode. Because the chassis is a PXI chassis rather than a PXIe chassis, the BIOS is having trouble enumerating the chassis while in this native mode. 

In order to disable PCIe native mode, use the following steps: 
  1. Open the start menu and type cmd into the search box.
  2. Right-click the cmd.exe and select Run as administrator to run the terminal as a local administrator.
    • ​​If you don't explicitly run cmd.exe as Administrator, you will see the following error message even if you signed into an Administrator account: The boot configuration data store could not be opened. Access is denied.

Figure 3. Command without Administrator Privileges.

  1. In the command window type bcdedit /set pciexpress forcedisable. If successful, the following message will appear.

Figure 4. Command with Administrator Privileges.
  1. Reboot the machine.

Additional Information

It can be determined that the machine is in native PCIe mode when one of the ports in Windows Device Manager mentions the use of the PCI Express standard. (see examples in "Issue Details").

To revert back to native PCIe mode use the command: bcdedit /set pciexpress default

Figure 5. Command to Revert System Settings.

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