Using the Digital Output and PFI Lines of the NI 9205/9206 with CompactDAQ

Updated Jan 17, 2024

Reported In


  • NI-9205
  • NI-9206

Issue Details

I have purchased the NI 9205/9206 analog input module to use with an NI cDAQ chassis, and I noticed Digital Output and PFI lines on the pinout.  How do I use them?


You can use the PFI line of the NI 9205/9206 as a digital trigger source. PFI0 can only be used to import triggers; it cannot output or export signals

Grounding issues can cause inconsistent triggering, such as spontaneous triggering and trigger firing regardless of edge selected. To resolve this issue, connect the digital ground of your source to the COM input on the NI 9205/9206.

The Digital Output channel (DO0) is not supported in CompactDAQ systems. The Digital Output channel is supported only in CompactRIO systems while using the modules in FPGA Interface mode.

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