How Do I Coordinate Cursor Movement on a Waveform Graph in LabVIEW?

Updated Jan 19, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Full
  • LabVIEW Professional

Issue Details

LabVIEW allows for multiple cursors to be placed on the same Waveform Graph.  Is there also a convenient way to coordinate the movement of these cursors on the graph?


The Waveform Graph has a property called CrsrList which represents an array of clusters with information about each cursor. These clusters contain elements called Position.X and Position.Y which can be read from or written to. As such, you can coordinate the location of cursors by reading the position values from one cursor and then writing a constant offset to the position values of the other. This approach has been employed in the examples below.

Single Plot Cursor Example:
The only other Event case in this example is a Timeout case with the Stop button connected to the Stop for the While Loop.

Free Cursor Example:
The only other Event case in this example is a Timeout case with the Stop button connected to the Stop for the While Loop.

Another method is to monitor the value of the cursor's Index property and write that value to other cursors. This is demonstrated in the example below.

Dual Plot Cursor Example:
This can also be done on a Mixed Signal Graph by using a Multi-plot cursor.