Error -1073807202: A Code Library Required by NI-VISA Could Not Be Located

Updated May 18, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)
  • LabVIEW


  • NI-488.2
  • NI-Serial

Issue Details

When attempting to use NI-VISA to communicate with hardware in LabVIEW or NI MAX, I get the following error:
Error -1073807202: (Hex Code: 0xBFFF009E) A code library required by VISA could not be located.

How can I troubleshoot this?


You may be getting this error for one of the following reasons:
  • NI-VISA, NI-Serial, or NI-488.2 Driver not installed in Your System: 
    • Development: Verify that the driver(s) you need are installed and appears under My Systems >> Software in NI MAX.
      • Otherwise, download and install the correct driver(s) for your hardware (found under Supported Devices under the driver version readme document)
    • Deployment: Verify that the driver(s) you need are under Remote System >> [Your Target] >> Software. If it is not installed on the device, install them on your target.
  • Visa32.dll missing: 
  • NI-VISA is not primary: When installing third-party drivers, it's important to confirm and set NI-VISA as primary
  • Firewall settings update:
    • The issue might be related to the File Access Rights or the Firewall settings.
      It is possible that the security update has refreshed the permissions in the firewall and there are some new restrictions. Temporarily turn off all firewalls and antivirus software packages installed on the computer and check if the issue persists.
  • Internal Error in NI MAX: Fix or Reset the NI MAX Database File
    • Note: Resetting the MAX database will just delete all the scales, tasks, and configurations of recognized devices on the Measurement and Automation Explorer itself, it will not impact the hardware in any
  • Driver Issue: Reinstall or repair the driver.

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