This error can be caused by following:
1. This error occurs in NI-RIO 13.0 when a Linux-based target (e.g., cRIO-9068, myRIO-1950, or myRIO-1900) is already in safe mode when Set System starts to run. To work around this issue, reboot the target into run mode and run the VI again. NI-RIO 13.1.1 resolves this issue with the 1.0.1f0 firmware revision. Please upgrade the NI-RIO 13.1.1 to resolve this issue.
2. This error can also occur in later versions of NI-RIO if you have changed your default web configuration port away from port 80. Ensure the following ports are open before performing an image: 21, 80, 3580, 44516, 44515, 44525 and 5353
3. This error can also occur if there is not enough disk space available on the target. To verify the available disk space open MAX and select your NI Real-Time target under Remote Systems.
To check the Primary Disk Free Space in the System Settings tab. To free up some disk space right-click on the target and select Format Disk.
Note: When creating a target image it requires that at least half of the free disk space is available, e.g. IC-3173RT unit with 32GB. 16GB of free disk space is required to create a target image.
The image gets created locally on the Linux RT target before it gets sent to the host pc.

4. You can get this error if the original image was manually modified (i.e adding a text file) from a Windows PC using tools as WinRAR, 7-ZIP, etc.:

If you need to modify these files, consider using a Linux OS PC.
Here is an instruction list on how to perform the image fetching and deployment manually.
- Retrieving the image
- Initiate an SSH session
- Reboot to safe mode by running
- /etc/init.d/nisetbootmode force-safemode && reboot
- Create a backup and save it to userfs by running
- /usr/local/natinst/bin/nisystemimage get -x tgz -f /mnt/userfs/imagename.tgz
- Retrieve the image
- Remove it from the original target
- rm /mnt/userfs/imagename.tgz
- Deploying the image to the other target
- Initiate an SSH session
- Reboot to safe mode by running
- /etc/init.d/nisetbootmode force-safemode && reboot
- Deploy the image on new target
- /usr/local/natinst/bin/nisystemimage set -x tgz -f /mnt/userfs/imagename.tgz -p preserve -s preserve