Error -50150 When Using USB Devices in NI MAX

Updated Jul 25, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

  • I'm getting error -50150 at DAQmx Start Task. How do I resolve this error?
  • I have connected my USB data acquisition device to my PC and it shows up correctly in MAX, but when I try to self-test the device or open the test panel, I get Error -50150. 
  • On another PC, the USB device works correctly.



There are a few different troubleshooting methods to try in this case:
  1. This error could have occurred due to connection issue or fault. Try rebooting the computer to see if the error persists. 
  2. A security software may be installed on the PC, so make sure there aren't any security softwares such as DeviceLock® that are locking out any unauthorized users using USB. To fix this, the network administrator has to grant the USB device access or disable security software.
  3. This might happen with a corrupted DAQmx driver. Try uninstalling and reinstalling or repairing NI-DAQmx.